Feed optimisation Tool

Feed Optimiser

Roas and Sales booster​

Having a high performance feed is one of the few advantages you can take, and the first step in having a successful Google PMax Campaign. Our Feed Optimizer is the most advanced on the market, equipped with more algorithms than any other provider to deliver the best ROAS and maximum exposure. Perfect for businesses aiming to enhance their search engine visibility and extract every ounce of performance from their PMax and shopping accounts. Unlike other providers, our Feed Optimizer is specifically built for paid search, not adapted from marketplaces. We’re free from investor constraints, allowing us to continually develop cutting-edge features. We provide feeds for Google PMax, Facebook Meta, Instagram, Microsoft Ads, and more.


Inaccurate feeds cost you money and damage your ROAS because clicks don’t convert. To perform well on PMax, your feed needs to be impeccable. Is yours? Google doesn’t use Visual AI in Merchant Centre to audit feeds, meaning product titles and descriptions might not match images, leading to undetected product violations in PMax results. Having no product violations in Merchant Centre doesn’t guarantee your feed is correct.


Our audits show that typically 40% of fields in feeds have incorrect data, even when they appear “clean” in Merchant Centre. Mislabelling a t-shirt as sunglasses won’t trigger an error in Merchant Centre but will cause major issues in search queries.

How to Avoid Product Blocks and Maximize Sales Exposure

Merchant Centre management often lacks clear ownership. Minor errors can accumulate, and when 10% of your feed is affected, your account performance will drop. Google penalizes dirty Merchant Centres. Notifications are easy to miss, and neglect can lead to severe consequences. We discovered on audit that one agency’s oversight resulted in the feed being blocked and £250k in missed sales. Once blocked, reinstatement is not guaranteed and may take indefinite time, negatively disrupting your sales and PMax data until its worked through the 30 day refence window.

Why Use a Managed Feed Optimisation Service?

Small, static feeds can be managed with self-service tools, but larger or dynamic feeds need accurate, structured data for maximum visibility, the lowest CPC, and best ROAS. Managed services provide a safety net for maintaining a healthy Merchant Centre.


Contact us now for your free feed audit and pricing

We have more optimisations in our feed optimiser than any other feed optimising company due to the complexity of the feeds we have worked one. The largest was 3.5million products the smallest just a few hundred.