MP for Bury North, James Frith, pays a visit to Rammy-based Advertising Technology company Dream Agility.
The meeting was set up by the MP in an effort to get local companies to commit to the living wage, but James quickly found that the company already subscribed to the salary proposal.
Short but sweet, the visit was welcomed none the less, as James explored the Market Chamber based HQ to see what the company has been getting up to.
After winning many awards for this year for it’s Innovation within digital advertising sphere, Dream Agility had much to shout about and was on the MP’s radar due to its listing in MEN’s Top 100 Tech Companies in Greater Manchester.
During his visit, James set out his intentions for Ramsbottom, with the aim being to develop the area into a platform suited to new or growing businesses. Highly relevant in Dream Agility’s case, as they contemplate their future expansion.
As a Businesswoman of the Year nominee for the Made in Bury Award, Elizabeth Clark sees Ramsbottom and the Bury region as an essential part of the company’s future, something that coincided with Mr Frith’s ambitious plans.
Elizabeth comments:
“There is so much potential here, and if local companies continue to build and continue to strengthen their ties with the local educational establishments there’s no reason we can’t have our own self-sufficient hub of talent here.
It’s encouraging to see James make the effort by coming down here to show how serious he is about supporting the growth of local businesses.”