Our CTO, Glyn Powditch, declared the “death of the plodder” at yesterdays BusinessCloud ChatGPT event with Fairmont Recruitment. The evening before he got access to Googles LaMDA which is going to power Bard. He wasn’t impressed with the answers to the same questions he’d given ChatGPT. There was some lively debate and clearly some people don’t know how it actually works, and think there may be cases for plagiarism, it’s not coming from a single source and simply re-writing it, so this is not going to be a problem – sorry lawyers, no new stream of income here! We’ve been using various solutions to see how they perform. They have different models for monetisation, one lets you chose between the quality of the words it give you. you can have a thousand poorer quality words (if you’re some shabby establishment churning out content for spam farms) 500 average quality words or 250 good quality words, on their lowest plans. As per usual Christopher Maguire ran a well honed informative event and has written a not to be missed article here for perspectives on ChatGPT from recruitment to accountancy to law, and tech.